
The Exciting Permaculture Revolution!



11 Easy Steps To Your Own Sustainable Garden, Farm Or Forest With Less Time, Work And Energy


PermAbundance is about creating bountiful, perpetual regenerative harvests while utilizing and protecting the delicate indigenous ecosystems surrounding us.

Hi!  I’m Taylor Richfield and I’ve written a book to transform your way of life dramatically by teaching you how to integrate PermAbundance into your life and reduce your carbon footprint with solutions for sustainable living.  PermAbundance™ The Exciting Permaculture Revolution shows you how to work with nature, not against it, whether you have a small balcony, a large backyard, or a farm.  

I want each and every one of you to create a regenerative and abundant future while protecting yourself, your family, and the planet from environmental degradation, supply chain issues, food shortages, or any other socio-economic disasters.  Click on the link under the book to the right, to get your copy of PermAbundance™ The Exciting Permaculture Revolution, and start your very own fulfilling, sustainable lifestyle.  This book will show you how with easy-to-follow guidance.  Soon you’ll be secure in knowing that you and your loved ones will be provided for, no matter what else happens in the crazy world we currently live in.

Get Your PermAbundance Book Now!  Click Here!

A permaculture observation journal can serve as an immensely valuable tool in permaculture practices, with several significant benefits:

  • Recording Observations: As the foundation of permaculture is based on careful observation of natural ecosystems, a journal provides an organized space to record and document these observations. This can include patterns of sunlight, seasonal changes, animal behavior, plant growth and responses, soil changes, and more.

  • Planning & Design: With detailed records of observations and reflections, practitioners can create, refine, and reiterate their permaculture designs. It can inform which plants to grow, where to plant them, how to manage water and soil health, and other design choices.

  • Progress Tracking: Regular entries in a journal allow you to track the progress and growth of your permaculture garden. You can keep track of successful experiments, mistakes, and learnings, and apply these insights to future practices.

  • Enhancing Understanding: Regularly writing down observations and reflections helps deepen your understanding of the ecosystem you’re working with. It can lead to new insights about how different elements interact with each other and how minor changes can ripple across the system.

  • Knowledge Preservation: Over time, the journal becomes a reservoir of personal knowledge about the specific ecosystem you’re managing. This is particularly important because permaculture emphasizes local and site-specific solutions.

  • Reflection and Learning: A journal provides a space to reflect on your actions, successes, and failures. This process of reflection is key for continual learning, a principle at the heart of permaculture.

  • Mindfulness: Regular observation and journaling can be a mindfulness practice, helping you connect more deeply with your garden and the broader natural world. This can be emotionally and mentally rewarding, providing a sense of peace and achievement.

  • Communication Tool: Your journal can be a valuable tool to share your experiences and lessons with other permaculture practitioners. This can foster collaborative learning and community-building.

Overall, a permaculture observation journal serves as a repository of knowledge, a tool for planning and reflection, a record of your journey, and a means of deepening your connection with the natural world.

The best part about this journal is that you can print it out and reprint any extra pages you need.  Keep observing and keep learning as you grow.

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"Earth care, people care, and fair share form the foundation for how we are to approach permaculture. It's a set of design principles centered around whole systems thinking, simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems."

- David Holmgren, co-founder of permaculture

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Look at all the Amazing Things You Can Accomplish with
"PermAbundance™ The Exciting Permaculture Revolution!"

PermAbundance™ The Exciting Permaculture Revolution! is a great resource for gardeners of all levels. 
Here are some highlights and amazing information you will discover!

Companion Planting

Companion planting is an agricultural technique that involves growing mutually beneficial plants together to optimize space, enhance pest control and improve soil health.

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Pollinators are organisms, often insects like bees and butterflies but also certain birds and bats, that assist in the transfer of pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, facilitating the process of fertilization and ultately the production of fruit and seeds in many plants.

PermAbundance™ Harvest

A PermAbundance harvest is the sustainable collection of diverse crops from an agricultural system designed based on ecological principles, promoting self-sufficiency, biodiversity, and resilience.

You can sell your extra abundant harvest at your local Farmer’s Market.

Hugelkultur and Raised Garden Beds

Hugelkultur and raised garden beds are elevated, structured gardening spaces filled with soil, tree branches or compost that offer improved drainage, easier maintenance and enhanced control over growing conditions.

Don't Be Shy... DIG IN! So Healthy too!

Growing your own food is one of the healthiest practices as it offers full control over what you consume, eliminating the risk of harmful pesticides, additives, or preservatives often found in store-bought produce. Having a garden promotes a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help boost your immune system and overall well-being. Moreover, the physical activity involved in gardening serves as an excellent form of exercise, while the connection with nature can have significant mental health benefits. Lastly, the food harvested is at its peak nutritional value due to immediate consumption after harvesting, unlike commercial produce that loses nutritional value during storage and transport.

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Revolutionize Your Health and Your Life! Build a PermAbundant and Sustainable Future in Harmony With Nature as You Survive and Thrive.
You'll be Saving Money and the Planet,
No Matter How Large Your Garden or Farm is.

Hi!  I’m Taylor Richfield and I want YOU to join me in the PermAbundance™ Revolution!

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Get ALL of the Upcoming Books

in the





The Exciting Permaculture

Medicine Garden Revolution!



The Exciting Permaculture

Urban Garden Revolution!


Taylor Richfield


 “Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

– Bill Mollison, co-founder of permaculture.

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Peace and PermAbundance™ Can be Yours!

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Imagine having all this abundance right within your reach!  It doesn’t matter how large or small your space is.  You can grow miniature fruit trees in containers and potted vegetables, as well as berries or flowers right on your patio or balcony. 

If there is a will, there is a way!

******************************************************************** Click "About Me" or "Blog" in the Lower Lefthand Corner down below for more exciting PermAbundance info and to learn more about Taylor!