about me
"The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings." – Masanobu Fukuoka
My Mission
I wrote PermAbundance The Exciting Permaculture Revolution! driven by my passion for this wonderful sustainable practice and my desire to share its profound benefits with a wider audience. I realized that knowledge and awareness about permaculture are pivotal to implementing its principles on a broader scale and tackling the pressing environmental issues our world currently faces. Moreover, I recognized a gap in the literature, where practical, accessible, and overtly comprehensive guides to permaculture were sometimes a little intimidating. This fueled my motivation to fill that void, providing not just theories but also practical easy steps, methods, and troubleshooting tips to empower and inspire those who share my desire to adopt PermAbundance in their own backyards, communities, and even in urban environments. I want to prove to everyone who reads my book to believe that THEY REALLY CAN DO IT! Additionally, I see the social aspect of permaculture, with its emphasis on community resilience and self-reliance, resonates with my deepest values. Writing this book was also a journey of deepening my own understanding, as it involved very extensive research and my own adventures in gardening and farming. By sharing my experience and knowledge through my book, I aim to inspire all of my readers to shift towards a more sustainable and harmonious way of living with nature. The self-satisfaction I feel when my seeds start germinating is thrilling!
My Values
My permaculture values are deeply rooted in respect for the Earth and all its inhabitants. I have always subscribed to the notion that humans should work with, rather than against, nature. This philosophy is reflected in my commitment and understanding of creating closed-loop systems that mimic natural ecosystems, minimize waste, and enhance biodiversity. I especially value diversity in all its forms – from a variety of plant species in a garden to a multitude of ideas in a community, and I recognize it as a source of resilience and strength. My belief is grounded in the understanding that solutions to many of today’s environmental challenges, such as changing climates, soil erosion, and water scarcity, could be addressed by mimicking natural ecosystems. My values also include a strong sense of community and the sharing of resources. I also believe in the power of cooperative efforts to build resilient and sustainable communities, where each member plays a role in maintaining the balance. Education is another core value for me since I understand the importance of disseminating knowledge about permaculture and its potential to transform our relationship with the environment. I believe in permaculture as a blueprint for sustainable living and a strategy to safeguard the future of our planet as well as the here and now. Ultimately, my permaculture values reflect my hopeful vision of a sustainable and equitable world, where humans live gracefully with nature and with each other.
"The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it, we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life." – Wendell Berry
Sharing is caring.